Tagged - URMC

Zumba in medicine, the unexpected crossover

Each year at URMC, a new cohort of unsuspecting pediatrics residents get a crash course. “There are no mistakes in Zumba,” Gellin says.

URMC labor unions vote overwhelmingly to strike

The unions representing URMC caregivers and service workers issued on Nov. 30 a 10-day notice for a strike after a nearly-unanimous vote.

Rest in peace, Med Center bat

Finding a bat in a med center lab raises a lot of questions: How did it get in here? Why did it pick a sticky trap as its landing pad?

Three labor rights allegations brought against URMC

A National Labor Relations Board charge was filed Sept. 13 alleging URMC committed three violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

Lean output agreement reached between URMC & LPSA

Lean prices have dropped off steeply over the past month as the LPSA and URMC continued high outputs amid price disagreements while demand rapidly dropped off as consumers fled to ketamine in droves.

UR Medicine study links redlining in Rochester to premature birth rates

“This is further evidence of the influence of a legacy of structural racism on the disproportionate burden of adverse pregnancy outcomes for Black women in the U.S.,” Hollenbach said in an article published in URMC news.

Prioritizing donors jeopardizes the vaccine rollout

Where else are administrators pulling strings to serve the business side of UR while talking a big game about fairness?

URMC COVID-19 vaccine trials paused

The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) is joining hospitals around the world in conducting a phase 3 clinical trial for a potential coronavirus vaccine, known as AZD1222.

Free the People Rochester’s virtual teach-in discusses UR’s complicity

“When you’re in that community, you need to take it as your own. This is our community,” Maring said. “That’s the problem with students, that they come to [UR] for four years and they talk shit about [UR], they talk shit about Rochester, they don’t ever get off-campus, they don’t ever interact with the community.”

UR tentatively starts reopening research labs

The labs have several social distancing measures in place, like limiting the number of people in labs, strategically scheduling shifts, and reorganizing spaces.