Tagged - Trump
Punxsutawney Phil gives State of the Forest address
From Bernie Loonders to Sean Parrotty, reactions were strong to President Punxsutawney Phil's State of the Forest Address.
Trump Announces Net-Net-Neutrality
An internal tape leaked from the White House reveals the President and his team's thoughts about net neutrality
Niche sports neglected in Trump’s tweets
The Ohio Machine are outraged at their lack of opportunities for outrage.
Trump, ‘U Bum’
Over the past few days, President Donald Trump has gotten the attention of the sports world with comments and a tweet aimed at athletes that, to no one’s surprise, were unrestrained, largely inaccurate, and showed the public servant’s proclivity to taking things personally.
Trump’s unofficial first 100 days
Despite many outlets characterizing his tenure so far as an unusually unproductive, Donald Trump has actually been successful in fulfilling most of his “unofficial” first-100-days checklist.
Spring Porn
Spring porno plays Trump card
What topic has gotten more attention over the past year than the election of Donald J. Trump?
Trump’s twittersphere
President Trump needs to change the way he addresses his Twitter and in turn the public now that he is the POTUS.
Club Penguin
An open letter to big loser Club Penguin executives
BigFlippers306 thinks the Club Penguin executives are making a tremendous mistake by shutting down their site. Sad!
Martino signs order to build wall
The wall would protect campus from President Donald Trump and all of his supporters.
Ringing the bell on racism
His one-man show, “The W. Kamau Bell Curve: Ending Racism in About an Hour,” played to nearly nonstop laughs in the crowded Douglass Ballroom on Friday evening.