Tagged - SNL
Michael Che’s Winterfest set welcomes lackluster comedy and announces his exit from SNL
Perhaps the most notable takeaway from this is Michael Che’s statement that he may be leaving SNL. What he intends to do afterward is unknown, but I’d urge him to reconsider if he’s looking to pivot back to stand-up.
Actual comedy at the Winterfest comedy night
This time, unlike last year’s Winterfest interview with Pete Davidson, each guest performed about a half hour of stand-up comedy with little to no heckling of any kind.
Head to Headboard: in defense (and offense) of SNL darling David S. Pumpkins
Our lord and savior, David S. Pumpkins, has returned!
Struggles of Melissa Villaseñor: Exclusive interview
“I loved how we were all cracking up at the same thing — that connection is my favorite thing about being a comedian.”
Live from Rochester, it’s Saturday Night!
Three comedians brought the spirit of stand-up to Strong Auditorium, spitting straight humor about true things that happened to them.
‘Saturday Night Live’: Sin or salvation for this year’s election?
The show has been influencing the country’s perception of candidates since 1975, and it doesn’t seem likely to stop anytime soon.