Tagged - SA

Button walk aims for accessibility

Campus Services Committee Chair and senior Dan Matthews, was inspired by the Walk for Light last fall.

SA Constitution rewrite tabled for the semester

The decision follows several weeks of contentious discussion at Senate meetings and a lack of transparency for both senators and the student body.

UR A Star Award to recognize staff

The award is part of Brown’s larger UR Stars in Service Campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the work done by UR staff members.

Here’s everything SA Senate has been able to see about the Constitution rewrite

See for yourself all that's been shared with the Senate by the CTF.

Students and new info scarce at SA Constitution forum

Tuesday's town hall did little to provide further transparency on the rewriting of SA’s central document.

SA multilingual maps initiative gaining traction

In addition to maps, admissions materials, and campus tours, the initiative will also implement multilingual convocation and commencement materials and orientation events.

A clarification on coverage

The choice to report on SA critically is one made not out of spite, but out of our newsroom philosophy and coverage calculus.

Letter: Of students, by students, for students

There needs to be change in the relationship between the Campus Times and SA, where it becomes less hostile and more constructive.

SA Constitution rewrite underway, with hiccups

The effort is, according to SA members on the task force undertaking it, behind schedule. And, some of the proposed changes to the structure of SA have met opposition from within.

Martino signs order to build wall

The wall would protect campus from President Donald Trump and all of his supporters.