Tagged - rochester
How to avoid the pitfall of SAD
Moving to the United States was a huge change for me, and through that experience, I have some suggestions on how to prepare for the winter if this is your first time experiencing winter in Rochester.
How to sound like a true Rochestarian
I’ve spent my entire life in the Rochester area, and with that comes the knowledge of how to pronounce some Rochester-specific words.
A look inside Senior Week 2022
With canoeing, beer tastings, and a Senior Ball not held since 2019, the seniors have an exciting and uniquely tailored list of events to mark the end of their undergraduate years. CT spoke to Senior Week organizers Grace Di Leo and Lea Thome about their planning efforts.
Balancing college and music: how student-run pop-funk band USP does it all
The Campus Times spoke to pop-funk Rochester-based band USP mid-recording session about the creation of their group, working to form and keep a band running as full-time students, and the creative process among engineers.
bb dang
Local band BB Dang shoots for the ROC stars
Senior Isabella Barbagallo is the main vocalist for BB Dang, a local cover band in the Rochester area, alongside keyboardist Matt Edwards, drummer Mike Valle, guitarist Alex Sherwood, guitarist/vocalist Reid Burton, and bassist/backup vocalist Cam Carlson. The Campus Times had the opportunity to talk to Barbagallo and her bandmates about being in an off-campus band, getting gigs, and the process of working collaboratively with people from different backgrounds and schedules.
art exhibit
Beyond Van Gogh exhibit creates an experience almost worth its price
Beyond Van Gogh was created by creative director Mathieu St-Arnaud and his team at Normal Studio in Montreal and has spread across the world.
Four indoor activities to combat the Rochester winter blues
I hope this list inspires you to go out and do something fun in Rochester this winter!
Climate Change
Snowstorm’s possible link to climate change, impact on vulnerable residents
During storms such as last week’s storm, which hit Rochester Sunday evening into Monday, communities can be greatly impacted by a lack of access to transportation, adequate housing, and food.
What else did Frederick Douglass and MLK think?
Before their deaths, and in parallel with their direct efforts at social justice, both men pushed for thorough economic policy measures as well.
Five outdoor activities to combat the Rochester winter blues
Take some time this semester to explore one (or more!) of my many winter activity suggestions in and around Rochester.