Tagged - Research

UR tentatively starts reopening research labs

The labs have several social distancing measures in place, like limiting the number of people in labs, strategically scheduling shifts, and reorganizing spaces.

URMC studies COVID-19 vaccines, social distancing

Though testing will take place with multiple visits over a period of two years, it’s possible that the resulting vaccine will be ready for emergency use before then, with plans in place for millions of doses to be available by the end of the year, and production being upped to hundreds of millions in 2021.

Tenure divides UR faculty

Professors without tenure find their jobs are more precarious. “Any day they wanted they could stop my contract,” a non-tenured professor from the social sciences told the Campus Times.

Cornell researcher presents on prehispanic Andean tombs

The students and faculty who filled the room were there to learn about chullpas, above-ground Andean tombs that housed mummies.

Research Rochester: Henderson models marine iron flux, a key climate change influencer

“[We want to] have a way to predict, under different conditions, how much iron would come out,” Henderson said. Understanding how this works could be pivotal to climate control research.

Research Rochester: Capita explores extravagant Victorian dinner parties

Wealth became attainable through business rather than family. Grand gestures of wealth became integral to middle class families vying to improve their social status. “The dinner party served as an immense tool to ascend to those higher circles,” Capita said. “You see social mobility on steroids.”

Research Rochester: Polashenski uses digital media technology to preserve history

Polashenski’s immersion in the project offers her insights into the intimate details and personalities of the Seward family. “William Henry Seward’s dad is the funniest character in the family,” she said. “He constantly writes that he’s dying about 20 years before he actually dies to guilt his son into visiting him.”

Research Rochester: Computational physicist Tetef studies mysterious subatomic particles

“Something broke the early symmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe,” Manly said. “This gives origin to the predominance of matter. Without it, we wouldn’t be here.”

Research Rochester: Senior Lim engages in diverse research experiences

Lim’s senior design project will involve 3D printing, which is unrelated to the research she has done independently. She is currently doing research using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology to decode the relationship between hearing and vision.

Research Rochester: Research for Everyone

A common misconception shared by many undergraduates is that research is reserved for the sciences.