Tagged - Protests

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

The Campus Times obtained a recording of the April 24 meeting between Gaza solidarity encampment protesters and administrators. A look inside the discussions.

War in Gaza hits UR campus

Amid the release of several administrative statements about the war in Gaza, vigils, protests, and counseling sessions have hit UR’s campus.

Letter to the Editor: “I cannot condone the protests against Israel”

I truly believe that the "pro-Palestinian" protestors on the River Campus are shamelessly and remorselessly fostering antisemitism.

SDS camps out in protest of University housing issues

Beginning Saturday, April 15 and running through Monday, April 17, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is staging a…

UR Rising Podcast Preview

UR Rising is a Campus Times podcast featuring the student activism on our campus and in our city, today and in decades past.

Rochester responds to RPD pepper-spraying 9-year-old girl

On Sunday, a nine year old girl experiencing a mental health crisis was handcuffed and pepper-sprayed by police officers. Two…

Rochester protestors use the universal language of art in Project AIR and RSO

Rochester protests are transformed with the presence of art through the Rochester Street Orchestra and Project AIR.

City-Wide Tenant Union calls for mayor to sign executive order to halt evictions

Organizers were gathered outside of 405 Brown St. where Chris Green, a father of two daughters,  is currently fighting an eviction from his home of four years.

Students protest for Black lives worldwide

The goal of the demonstration, according to DLH vice-president and junior Andre Hodges, is to keep the conversations going and to continue “raising awareness about governments failing Black lives” in the United States, the African continent, and the Caribbean.  

Abdul Bounds: On the front lines of the Rochester BLM movement

If you’ve seen him at protests, you’ve probably never seen his face, but you would still recognize his orange balaclava, homemade Black Lives Matter flag, and Black Panther jacket. He is almost always in black-out clothing, and his tall wiry frame often hunched to hide his height.