Tagged - Movie Review

Ambulance: Is Michael Bay having fun again?

I would really despise this film if it tried to be deeper than it really is. But Bay made an engaging film that doesn’t let go of you until the final piece of tension breaks.

‘Last Night in Soho’: Edgar Wright is the master of comedy

In its role as a dramatic first in Edgar Wright’s career, this film disappointed. It stands as a better example of a genre it doesn’t want to be — comedy — than of a thriller.

Eternals’ pain on the critic’s mind

The writers really expected us to care about heroes that we just met and are only given short scenes to get to know.  There are literally 10 characters in the Eternals, and none of them are prioritized over the end of the world story where *SPOILER ALERT* the world doesn’t end.

“Cruella”: a case study in imposter syndrome

How is it that, in a world where people are more aware of identity and mental health, people don't notice when a film tries peddle itself off as unique when it's really trying to hide it's own ignorance?

Spencer: All work and no play makes Diana a dull girl

While I initially regretted never being able to see "The Shining" in its intended 1:66:1 aspect ratio, watching "Spencer" use it so chillingly has allowed me to finally forgive myself.

Belle: messy, bloated, and disappointing

By abandoning the romance, the movie struggles to convey the story’s central message: that beauty is in the soul.

“Endgame” matters, whether you like it or not (I did)

“Avengers: Endgame” succeeds as a “Marvel movie” more than as a “movie” in the general sense. I don’t mean to…

The amazing Spider-Verse: A review

Spider-Man is one of the most complex, nuanced, and effective characters in comics. I’m a pretty serious Marvel fan, and…

Pedestrian Drive-In combines nostalgia and a queasy romance

On Thursday, the Pedestrian Drive-In screened “Phantom Thread” as part of the Rochester Fringe Festival. The Pedestrian Drive-In was familiarly…

What Netflix’s ‘Ghoul’ tells us about the future of film

Despite its marketing material, Netflix’s new miniseries “Ghoul” is not horror. It is, however, everything else. Where do I start…