Tagged - meliora

An end to the madness

Every day of its relentless campaign against pro-Palestinian student voices, the University signals it is far happier to take my tuition than my message

New pillow is ultra Meliora

With the help of our P.I., we’re working on making the Pillow versatile enough to handle the emotional and physical weight of crying, pissing, and shitting as well.

The Monkeys of Meliora Hall

Have you heard of the monkeys in the basement of Meliora Hall? Ever wonder what antics they get up to in the wee hours of the night?

The Wilder attack campus climate survey

We can live our “Meliora values” when the university starts listening to survivors to enact real change.

Melanie Throws A Coup

I am tired of the self-serving bureaucracy in the rigid walls of academia standing strong at this institution. So I, like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball, will knock them down to liberate our society from the siren’s trap of capitalist academia.

The REAL Tips and Tricks for UR First-Years

Leave your bag on a desk in Rush Rhees for HOURS when you’re not there. Super cool dude :)

Message to the UR community on recent controversy

In the spirit of supporting our students and retaining a happy campus, we have decided to create an environment of blissful ignorance.

A guide to Zen: Study space edition

As an ancient ward of the University (also known as a Take Five Scholar), I have completed my journey towards…