Tagged - jaeger
Some simple answers for Seligman
On the question of Jaeger, there are some simple answers, President Seligman. As you somewhat already agree — or at…
Lindsay Wrobel, protest organizer, in fifth day of hunger strike
Wrobel has no plans to stop until University President Joel Seligman fires Professor T. Florian Jaeger or resigns himself.
At town hall, some students quietly fear protesters
Although they felt that protesting students had treated the president unfairly during the town hall, they did not want to be hounded for speaking in his defense.
Nationwide, professors concerned by UR’s handling of Jaeger
One professor said that, based on the results of similar situations, she’d be surprised if President Seligman doesn’t resign.
‘UR Failing Us’
Hundreds of protesters railed against the UR administration last Wednesday in a defiant, pleading, and sometimes tearful demonstration, which traveled…
Breaking down Seligman’s bad arguments
I may not be as accomplished a legal scholar as Joel Seligman is, but I have been a competitive debater for 10 years and led the Debate Union as its president for two years — so trust me, I know how to call out a bad argument when I see one.
Protesters find hidden writings on Jaeger’s school site
Jaeger said the page originated from his pre-grad school and grad-school days and was a place for him and friends to exchanged poetry and other writings.
Seligman faces hundreds as campus outrage peaks
Seligman told the audience that the pain and frustration he feels over this situation “is as acute as anything I’ve felt in my 12-plus years here,” but many called this — and the entire forum — just lip service.
Jaeger to cease teaching undergraduate class
T. Florian Jaeger, the professor accused in the sexual harassment complaint against UR that has consumed campus, will no longer…