Tagged - Instagram

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.

Pass it along: URSecretSafe might be UR’s latest IG craze

Does it bring anything new to the table, or are we just riding the high of the prospect of yet more controversy?

Instant Instagram community: An insider’s guide to @urochester.2025

For the class of 2025, there are no accepted students days or on-campus meetups. To make up for it, students have taken it upon themselves to connect virtually through the Instagram page @urochester.2025, which features accepted students so future classmates can scope potential friends or roommates.

UR Confessions: An anonymous outlet

Have you ever wanted to voice your thoughts and secrets without the burden of judgment? The @UR Confessions page is just for you. UR Confessions acts as a sanctuary for all the secrets UR students have kept to themselves. The page is meant to provide a platform for those who are afraid of fear of being judged or misunderstood.

UR Loved is creating warmth through UR’s dark winters

Predominantly anonymous, UR LOVED offers a more targeted and specific platform than other confessions pages at UR. Since it's inception, the follower count has skyrocketed, reflecting students' appreciation of the page's positivity.

BlackatUR amplifies underrepresented voices

On Instagram, students across the country have made accounts sharing the experiences of students of color, especially Black students, regarding racial issues. Seeing those accounts, @BlackatUR was formed. 

Not Vanilla: The Joys of Instagram

Reader, perhaps you have not heard this app called Instagram — it’s something young people are quite into. When I…