Tagged - Hirst Lounge

Getting lei’d in Hirst Lounge

What are you supposed to do with a lei after you receive one? Yuen explained that leis are not meant to be thrown away; they should instead be left outside to return to nature. She also mentioned that in Hawaii, the first day of May is a celebration called Lei Day, which the club hopes to do an event for in the future. 

Student submissions for flag lounge display replacement opening soon

The Hirst Lounge flags are gone for good. What will take their place is up for students to design — with administrative approval, of course.

The flags are back!

Now, underclassmen can witness the flag lounge in all its glory.

Sitting down with SA president Sabeet Kazmi on SA updates

Sabeet Kazmi, SA President, reflects on the school year so far, current initiatives involving MERT and Aramark, and plans for the future.

President Mangelsdorf decides flag display will not be returning to Hirst Lounge

After nearly two years of uncertainty, a lengthy proposal, and months of discussion, University President Sarah Mangelsdorf decided this past…
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UR to finish first place in fort competition

The skeleton of the award-winning fort is visible in Hirst, formally known as the Flag Lounge, now known as the Fort Lounge.

Flag display temporarily removed, put under review

The flags were taken down at the request of President Sarah Mangelsdorf and Provost Robert Clark in response to “concerns raised about the display in past semesters."

Committee formed to address WilCo flag display

By April, UR deans will have answers to a long-standing question: What should be done about the flag lounge?  The…

HKSA Lennon Wall event handles aftermath of tunnel paintings

The event, organized by the Hong Kong Students Association, was intended to reframe the on-campus conversation around Hong Kong.

Students hang Taiwanese flag beneath flag display

Dryer said they hoped that the event would be a platform “for the Taiwanese students to say, ‘We’re here, our identity is valid.’”