Tagged - Dining

Longtime Dining worker fired for what she says was a punch-in mistake

McKnight said that being fired for allegedly being six minutes late does not outweigh her 17 years of service to UR, which she said lacks serious conduct issues.

Plans for Rocky’s discussed at recent forum

An ice cream shop, a taco place, or a spot for snacks and appetizers were among student attendees’ answers at a forum held by Dining Services and Wilson Commons Student Activities last Thursday about the future of Rocky’s Sub Shop and Lounge.

Diet issues hit Dining Services

Danforth prides itself for being a nut-free facility. However, Montague, who has a life-threatening nut allergy, encountered a sign that said a desert had almonds in it.

Joint initiative plans to expand campus vegetarian options

The initiative seeks to ensure that every student feels comfortable with the meals provided on campus.

OptiKale and Peet’s a big hit after semester debuts

Since their openings, both establishments have brought in long lines and positive reviews.

Students praise Pit dining changes

The shift to higher quality has bumped up the price at Rocky's a notch. Yet, the line still goes out of the shop at peak hours.

A step forward for dining

The new instillations seem to be a good step.

Student documentary recognizes dining workers

The eight-minute documentary brought together all parts of the dining experience, incorporating interviews with students, workers, and Director of Campus Dining Services and Auxiliary Operations Cameron Shauf.

Services and us

Students need to be more concerned and involved with the people that serve them every day.

Mel Sauce leaves a mixed taste

According to the Senior Executive Chef for Dining Services Antonio “Chef Tony” Pignagrande, a packaged version of Mel Sauce had been in the midst of development for nearly two years.