Tagged - Congress
2024 election
The DeLorme Report: The status quo has got to go
Congress has always been an institution highly scrutinized by the American public. Excluding exceptional circumstances like 9/11, Congress has never polled above 50% for public approval polling. In fact, they tend to barely reach 25% most of the time.
Fenno remembered as scholar, teacher, and colleague
Fenno, who was vital to the development of UR’s political science department as one of the field’s best in the nation, died at the age of 93 on April 21, from what was deemed a likely case of COVID-19.
Students who worked for Slaughter remember her kindness
Slaughter had been a Democratic representative for the Rochester area since 1987. She was not only a strong advocate for women rights, co-authoring the Violence Against Women Act, and the only microbiologist in Congress, but also the author of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. She was known on campus for her fights to secure UR funding.