Tagged - Community
Community-engaged learning: how to improve UR
There is room for all students to learn first-hand from the city, regardless of major.
The consequences of apathy
We elect to preserve our status in the face of an unjust society, because who would we be without it?
Center for Community Engagement
Fighting against poverty in Rochester with the Urban Fellows Program
Urban Fellows, an annual program hosted by the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) and funded by Americorp, gives undergraduate students the opportunity to work with local nonprofits over the summer — and get paid for it.
College night
Westside Farmers Market brings community to the 19th Ward
Current vendors include efforts from college organizations such as SUNY Geneseo’s eGarden, which grows organic herbs and vegetables selling for a couple of dollars each, as well as local businesses such as Mark & Amy’s Pickles, which also vend at Ludwig’s downtown and the Public Market.
black history month
Mane Event: Loving hair to celebrate Black History Month
The Kearns Center's Mane Event, part of UR's Black History Month programming, intended to help students understand more about hair care.
Withstanding the flames
Even in the midst of all this madness, it’s important to remember that the world is still getting better every day.
Notes by Nadia: The joys of college
My most favorite part of being a college student is delaying the inevitable: becoming an actual adult.
Rochester is not a dying city
A city cannot be dying if there are so many people who are pumping it with life.
A Day in the Life: Bankrupt Photographer
"I just feel like I’m in some sort of obligation to help those who cannot afford it without paying a huge amount of money to other photographers."