Tagged - books
Plutzik reading series returns hosting Gabriel Bump
Reading from his forthcoming novel, Bump gave voice to a man pondering his upbringing and parental figures.
Laura van den Berg comes to the University of Rochester as part of the Plutzik Reading Series
On Nov. 14, critically acclaimed fiction author Laura van den Berg came to UR as part of the Plutzik Reading Series.
book club
Book Club Reviews: Lemme Babble about Babel
“Babel” is the third member-nominated book that we have elected to read together this semester.
Plutzik Reading Series brings in Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet Carl Phillips
Phillips is a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet who has written 17 books, the most recent of which is entitled Scattered Snow, to the North.
Little Cookbook Library opens in Douglass Dining Center
From books like Snoop Dogg’s “From Crook to Cook” to “The Joy of Japanese Cooking,” this library in Douglass Dining Hall has it all.
BookTok is turning the publishing industry into fast fashion
Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly to capitalize on hype, and does this hurt the quality of their writing?
Barry Manilow
Her Name Was Rosemary! She Was an “It”-Girl!
What have we gained from this? I ask this genuinely, because I do not know. If we are Sisyphus, Party School is our rock.
Barry Manilow
Her name was Rosemary! She was an “It”-Girl!
Mills’ relationship with Rosemary feels actively teenage and real, which makes the humor that follows it fall flatter.
2022 Kafka Prize winner visits UR campus for reading and Q&A
From their black Doc Marten boots and the rings on every finger, I thought that Bea was going to be cool and hip, and I was totally right!