
Toeing the punchline

There’s a fine line between comedy and offensiveness. Ask anyone about a certain offensive comment, and there’ll be a mix…

The Pope is just a man

Editor’s Note: ‘No Comment’ is a new column by Jesse Bernstein featuring perspectives on politics, culture and current events. It…

After 24 years, Kashmir waits without justice

Here, in the Western world, few people know about Kashmir, except for its famous cashmere wool. But, back in Southern…

Fight the patriarchy, with pockets

Last week, I purchased a new pair of jeans through the magical world of online shopping. Now, jeans are a…

Seeking refuge: With Syrians displaced en masse, we need to uphold our virtues

It’s a testament to our arguably valid cynicism about national politics that so many core American axioms have become occasion…

Dining’s disservice

It’s 10 p.m. on a Wednesday, and you’re swamped with work—mounds of reading, a pack of merciless math problems and…

Tim Tebow: the QB you deserve

After the first weekend of the NFL season, half of the teams will be entering the second week of the…

The opposite of apathy

For this article, I have chosen to talk about a less common topic: apathy. I always find it funny when,…

Avoiding ticket mayhem

There were hundreds. They shuffled around the first floor of Wilson Commons, starting from the Common Market, snaking through the…

Ironing out the future of laundry

At last, there is no more need to navigate through the process of funneling money into URos accounts for laundry,…