
The state of the Republican Party

On Oct. 28, the Republican Party finally nominated Rep. Paul Ryan to be the Speaker of the House. This came…

Keep speech free

On Sept. 14, Bryan Stascavage, a student at Wesleyan University, published an op-ed in the student newspaper, the Argus. The…

The red meat question

Are we on the verge of a worldwide spike in vegetarianism? Earlier this week, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International…

Hold off on your post-mortem

Decades from now, a student might glance at her course syllabus and see our generation, the early 2000s, listed as…

We welcome Provost Clark

Change hangs heavy in the brisk Rochester air. UR’s top administration has experienced significant changes since the beginning of the…

Seeking serendipity: A hacker’s revelations in the face of frienship

I am usually the kind of guy who likes to have everything planned out, especially when I’m traveling somewhere: I…

The personality cult of Bernie Sanders

It’s 2015, and Eugene V. Debs is either jumping for joy in the afterlife or spinning in his grave. If…

SA: lift your veil

In the short nine months that I have spent at UR, the operations of the Students’ Association (SA) government have…

Defend Planned Parenthood

The House of Representatives recently passed a bill to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Predictably, this sparked outrage over…

Making an honest effort

While you’re away, your suitemate sees your half-finished homework on the table. He notices how you solved one of the…