
What’s in a name?

In 1972, women accounted for only about 38 percent of the labor force. Today, they make up closer to 47…

A library with dignity

Since September, people have murmured about the changes to Rush Rhees Library as part of the new Evans Lam Square—compliments,…

Park it, UR

I don’t know if I’m simply more aware of instances of ticketing or if it is actually happening more often,…

The pictures shouldn’t matter

Have you ever seen the video of Ray Rice punching Janay Palmer in the face? The security camera footage is…

The hypocrisy of tolerance and free speech

A few weeks ago, Yale University’s Intercultural Affairs Committee sent an email to students reminding them to be culturally sensitive…

‘No Comment’: The pictures shouldn’t matter

Have you ever seen the video of Ray Rice punching Janay Palmer in the face? The security camera footage is…

Be smart, not tough, on crime

It is deeply ingrained in the rhetoric of politicians across the nation that we must be “tough on crime.” They…

ACJC made the right decision

We applaud the All-Campus Judicial Council (ACJC)’s ruling on Almast v. Students’ Association Senate, the first major appeal case in…

We deserve better debates

No, we’re not watching Lincoln-Douglas. That much should be apparent by now, whether you’re a Republican watching the Democrats’ debates,…

Assad is not guiltless in Islamic State’s growth

The Islamic State (IS)  developed out of corruption from the Iraqi and Syrian governments in their oppression of Sunni civilians.…