
Trump and ‘blue collar fears’

Now that Trump has been beaten in the Iowa Caucus, it is much easier for people to write him off as a reality star who played with fire.

Berned out

Sanders isn’t perfect, and he isn’t immune to criticism—something many Sanders supporters, at least those who populate social media, either don’t understand or refuse to accept.

Gun safety is a top priority for America going forward

Gun violence in America has been and will always be an issue about having the fundamental right to feel safe.

A reinforced endorsement

Their commitment to truly seeking out the desires of the student body at-large has been particularly noticeable.

A letter to my Grandfather

Tom was a honorable UR alumnus with strong virtues that he stuck by unwaveringly until his passing.

Town hall meetings fall short, we need rapid change

After protesting and listing demands it seems that the University has responded with their usual passing of responsibility.

We hear you, concerned students

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee, founded in 2006, brings together staff from all across the University community to discuss initiatives and events around race, ethnic and cultural diversity.

In 2016, a call for increased administrative transparency

In the wake of the recent kidnapping and torture of two UR students, it is imperative that students be fully informed about sensitive events on campus.

Goals of the Editorial Board

Our promise for 2016 is to provide the University with relevant, thought provoking writing that consistently maintains a tradition of excellence.

The Campus Times they are a-changin’

As one of the oldest student organizations on campus, the CT boasts tremendous staying power—and we intend to keep the stone rolling through this year and into the next.