
A call for decorum in the DPS gun debate

These people are not stupid. They are not out to bilk students out of their money, to make them feel unsafe, or to operate in secrecy in order to sneak possibly objectionable measures under their noses.
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A clinical response

The Editorial Board commends the University on its robust response to the recent outbreak of Norovirus within the campus community.

The real Rochester

Although Rochester was once an American boomtown, hurled into the spotlight of the photographic industry, this did not last.

My experience being a Donald Trump supporter for two days

I’m a different person now. When they come in my way, I can just shout loud enough.

Martino’s and Floto’s SA

The Editorial Board congratulates juniors Vito Martino and Lance Floto on becoming Students’ Association (SA) President and Vice President. Having endorsed them, we are pleased to see that the candidates we believed to be best for the position will now hold office.

Shapiro is a champion of free speech

Trigger warning: I support Ben Shapiro. Reflecting on Ben Shapiro’s speech this week, here are the five things Shapiro claims that the left uses to stifle opposing opinions—and why he is right.

Shapiro is a provocateur

Ultimately, Shapiro both failed to deliver on College Republicans’ title for the event and succeeded in spewing vitriol and disrespect to boost his ego and conservative support.

Black and Yellow

“Chink,” the boy snickered. I was caught off guard, too stunned to respond. He turned to his friends and said matter-of-factly, “That’s what my mom said they’re called.”

Campus Times endorses Martino and Floto for 2016 SA President and Vice President

Our endorsement of Martino and Floto comes only after meeting with the candidates in the days following the debate, where the pair—with both members, that time—convinced us that they are the best-suited candidates to hold SA Government’s most visible offices.

On contingent faculty

You may have heard the news: faculty at this school are coming together to form a union.