2024 Presidential Election
The DeLorme Report: The real loser of the debate? You
As the night progressed, it appeared that neither candidate would be offering anything substantive. Instead, both President Trump and Vice President Harris stuck to their talking points.
Letter to President Mangelsdorf
This school has made me afraid to speak out against genocide.
graduate school
International student rights are workers’ rights
There is a perpetual lack of support for international students at the University. Since we do not receive a W-2, many of us cannot receive a Social Security Number, thus restricting our ability to rent an apartment, secure a credit card, or get a driver's license. We also do not receive sufficient assistance and support for complex tax filing requirements or reimbursement for immigration fees.
Pirate your books, blame the University
If students cannot afford books, the choice is between pirating and not learning. The choice is clear — pirate those books.
Black Studies
Black Studies at UR: exploring the world from a new perspective
Growing up in a traditional Asian household, I have no connection whatsoever to the African continent or its diasporic history. I first came into contact with the continent from the United States Academic Pentathlon, which exposed me to the nuances of West African cultural traditions.
2024 election
The DeLorme Report: The status quo has got to go
Congress has always been an institution highly scrutinized by the American public. Excluding exceptional circumstances like 9/11, Congress has never polled above 50% for public approval polling. In fact, they tend to barely reach 25% most of the time.
Add/drop that (cl)ass
If UR wants to keep a month-long add/drop period, there needs to be a more streamlined process of providing support for students trying to add new courses.
At home at college
Sometimes I'll be in a place I consider home, yet still have the feeling of wanting to go “home,” never quite knowing where exactly that place would be.
Notes by Nadia: What happened to the readers?
23% of American adults hadn’t read a book in the previous year. Can BookTok really save the decline in readership?