
Open letter: Students, we are here for you

We are available to listen to your concerns and, if you wish, to advocate for your concerns to be addressed.

Looking back — and forward — on our success

At the Campus Times’ general interest meeting on Sept. 3, looking on from the sidelines as our section editors chatted…

Dining delivers

It’s sometimes hard to know whether a University proposal will live up to the hype. Fortunately, Dining Services’ plans for…

First year or freshman?

Many students are confused or annoyed by the University's new change in lingo when it comes to the term "first-year,"…

Advising the advisors

It’s day (insert number here) of orientation, and I’m inspecting the other first-years as we sit in a group meeting…

Getting beyond the boilerplate

Is a little humanity in these emails too much to ask?

If money is all that you love

Somebody, or perhaps multiple people, weighed the prospect of hurting a customer against the prospect of losing money, and decided that the latter was worse.

Ratings over rationality

The idea of not only allowing but ensuring that those with differing viewpoints participate in discourse is a time-tested one.

A step forward for dining

The new instillations seem to be a good step.

Leading on campus, SA or otherwise

There's many ways to get involved outside of SA so let's take the initiative to do so.