
Exchanging six days for the justice of thousands

In the light of all the events that have occurred regarding the Jaeger sexual harassment case, and the response of…

Clinton’s wrong: The electoral college should stay

Last week, Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened,” was released. In the book, she blames several different factors for her…

Are you angry?

Anger can be a powerful force. It drives people to action, giving rise to movements and solidifying ideologies. But anger…

A message from the graduate student association regarding recent events

We commend the efforts of the undergraduates and SA—their support of the graduate community has been tremendous.

Seligman comforts the comfortable

Neutrality in the face of catastrophe only serves to bolster the power of the perpetrator.

A note on smoking surveys

I am delighted that the University has taken another step towards making the health of our community ever better.

Seligman should resign

I won’t give another cent as long as Seligman remains president.

Some simple answers for Seligman

On the question of Jaeger, there are some simple answers, President Seligman. As you somewhat already agree — or at…

Trigger warning

My problem lies with more subtle disagreement, which people on Leftbook prefer to leave out of the discussion.

Breaking down Seligman’s bad arguments

I may not be as accomplished a legal scholar as Joel Seligman is, but I have been a competitive debater for 10 years and led the Debate Union as its president for two years — so trust me, I know how to call out a bad argument when I see one.