
Give SA the coverage it deserves — not special treatment

Last week’s article, “In constitutional flub, SA Senate erases everything its done this semester,” brought back memories from my time…

Beyond the headlines: opening a discussion about Jaeger

My name is Lauren. I am a fourth-year brain and cognitive sciences major here at UR. I have also been…

Regardless of controversy, Jaeger was a good mentor

We are among the current and former undergraduate students who have had positive experiences with Professor Florian Jaeger. In this open…

Nowhere near the end of the road

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, King Salman of Saudi Arabia issued a royal decree revoking the ban on women driving in…

Why this fall matters

Most of us agree — the onset of fall brings much needed relief. When I first came to Rochester from…

SA shirks its duty and sets a poor precedent

C’mon. SA Senate’s casual neglect in allowing someone to serve illegally for about five weeks this semester — rendering unconstitutional every…

Place a cap on peak-time Tapingo

Tapingo can seem like a miracle, but in practice, it’s too-often a messy affair. At non-peak times of the day,…

Puerto rico deserves better

Just three months ago, I was living in a beautiful, vibrant little coastal town called Punta Santiago, commuting by boat…

Shack-a-thon: helping or hurting?

Homeless. What does that word evoke? What image comes to mind when you think of a homeless person? If you’re…

What do you deserve as a customer of UR?

Dear Student Body, I address you as a concerned senior who wants to see this university assume its intended role as…