
In defense of being mestizo

If there is something that is certain for most of us who are mestizos, it is that when we think…

You were wrong about Ted Pawlicki

“It takes a special kind of student to thrive at Rochester,” read my acceptance letter. Thus, I expected a special…

Necessary steps taken for students in need

UR’s welcoming of hurricane-affected students from universities in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as the SA…

In defense of evolutionary psychology

Humans experience pain when they’re injured. Humans care for their kin more than for individuals who are distantly related. Humans…

Some advice for CS majors

Computer science is a difficult subject. It involves the breakdown of abstract problems into formal, model-based solutions that can be…

Donations are for current and prospective students alike

My letter is in your response to your editorial regarding alumni contributions to the University on Oct. 27. I have…

Reclaiming gender from the grip of flimsy science

The other day, I was reading the Google manifesto that former employee James Something-or-Other (his name is not worth repeating)…

Cheers and jeers

CHEERS to SA’s creation of a minority student cabinet position, which could magnify historically silenced voices. JEERS to the administration’s…

We must be feminists

“God, not another one,” I thought. “What a shame.” That’s how I reacted when I learned about the allegations (since…

The 5th anniversary of the 5k challenge

Imagine if you had the power to change one thing about the University, without going through the legislative process of…