
A dissent against Senate’s decision on Equestrian

Senators, readers, and anyone else who gives a damn about extracurricular activities at this school: All the team is asking you for is one more yes vote. It’s asking you to let it increase its own dues to pay for a sport that its members love. It’s asking you to give it the time to implement a sustainable funding solution. It’s asking you to let it keep existing. It’s asking you to give it a chance.

With secret vote on Equestrian’s future, SA Government betrayed the public’s trust

Accountability within SA Government is a pipe dream.

The fatal flaw in SA’s new transparency bill

There’s a piece of legislation that’s just made its way through the SA Government system, and it’s about transparency.

YellowJackets’ service trip strikes a dissonant chord

The Yellowjackets trip is voluntourism at its very worst. It is a group of well-educated, primarily white men, traveling to a developing country so that they can take an Instagram picture with poor children, brandishing the hashtag #musicsaveslives. I'm sure the kids they “saved” will love the post.

The YellowJackets respond to recent controversy

We know our experience will be inspiring, exciting, and memorable, and we hope that our hosts in Maseno, Kisumu, Butere, and Nairobi will find the exchange as meaningful as we will. We are grateful for the kindness and generosity of our hosts and humbled to be welcomed into their community.

Getting back to basics with books

Just thinking on the events from the past week, there’s a lot I could have written about. There was a government shutdown, the start of the Winter Olympics, and Trump making inappropriate comments on the #MeToo movement.

American pastures: reflecting on factions in U.S. society

Plato’s “Republic” is set in a seaside courtyard down at the port of Piraeus. There, in the shade of an…

Let’s hope Feldman stays on the path

Richard Feldman, when he takes over as UR’s president later this month, will spend the majority of his interim tenure trying to repair UR’s reputation and to regain this community’s trust after last semester’s fumbling of campus outrage over how sexual misconduct is investigated here.

Are you there, financial aid office?

Let me get right to the point: This is about money. That can be a hard thing to talk about, and not everyone likes to do it, I know. Maybe you don't like to do it either, and that's why you answer all my questions with the simple yet evocative, "Take out more loans!"

Dear undergraduates interested in graduate studies

It’s a symbiotic relationship, where you’re just starting your career and they’re trying to maintain theirs. They’ve made it, and you have everything to gain under their appropriate guidance.
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