
Why is our campus so boring?

Visionary architecture is essential in placemaking, engendering a sense of belonging, allegiance, and excitement that bonds the University community with the campus and the institution.

Think hard before intervening in Syria

Assad is a war criminal and monster, but to make the right decisions in Syria, Western leaders must compare his rule to the possible alternatives, and consider the costs of intervention.

Don’t put STEM on a pedestal

We do not have the right to compare these majors to one another as they demand different knowledge and skills from the student. While topics such as coding might seem difficult to STEM students, non-STEM students have to face similar problems in learning material such as the International Phonetics Alphabet.

Why student journalism matters

The Campus Times has been around since 1873. Since then, we have stood as an avenue for members of the UR community to talk about what really matters to them and to learn about things they might never have considered before. We inform, entertain, and hold accountable.

Feldman makes progress, but be wary

Deadlines for implementing sexual misconduct policy changes have crept up, but they haven’t all been met. A new diversity and equity office hasn’t been created yet, and the reassignment of cabinet-level administrators hasn’t been done.

Don’t force creativity

Creativity is a powerful force, yet forced creativity has the power to kill creativity. Creativity makes us diverse individuals. Forced creativity makes us try to live up to what others believe creativity should be.

Listen to the Radio

I’m fully aware of the connotations that being an NPR listener carries: white, middle class, pseudo-intellectual, all-around nerd who thinks that facts about ducks are good conversation starters. This connotation doesn’t really bother me, because in my case, it rings pretty much completely true.

The Two Trumps

When looking at Trump’s actions toward Russia, it’s a bad idea to consider them in isolation: They should be compared against the two other presidents who have dealt with Putin, Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

Gun Control Worked

In my state, California, we have some of the toughest gun regulations as well as an assault rifle ban, effective from earlier this year, that prevents the sale of assault rifles. Did our state legislation fail us?

Make sure to vote

On March 29, SA President Jordan Smith informed the student body through an email of the policy recommendations of the “Task Force on Gender-Specific Student Organizations.” Since then, the recommendations have provoked impassioned responses from many students and groups.