
Facilitating difficult conversations through debate

When I first joined debate, it didn't seem anything more than a senseless word crossfire for people who love to win arguments so much that they created a sport out of it.

Gun proposal needs some backup

DPS will not disclose what prompts an armed response. They do this because “Publication might allow those intending to do harm to evade crime prevention."

Don’t disregard the movies

To write movies off as inconsequential is to ignore the cultural impact that they have historically possessed. Movies can change history.

Break the chain of hate crimes on campus

At UR, we pride ourselves on diversity and tolerance. But bigotry is alive and well, and our campus is sadly no exception.

Make movies less white

We see diversity and we see it accurately. We have the power to make Hollywood see this as well. We just have to speak up.

iZone off to a promising start

The space feels like it has a reason to be there. And it feels suitably different from Gleason or Q&I. Most importantly, students are using it.

Response to Op-Ed ‘Lets trap our rodent problem’

My name is Peter Castronovo, and I am the Senior Sanitarian of the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) of…

SA should keep us up to the minute

If you go on SA’s website and look for senate and committee minutes from their meetings, you’ll find very few documents from this semester.

Let’s trap our rodent problem

Last year, Brenna James, now a junior, caught 14 mice in her fourth-floor Munro suite. The vast majority were caught through a store-bought mouse trap.

In defense of being lonely

I was looking for a way to gain jurisdiction over my heart, to most effectively put myself in the box of shame, but I found something more effective.