
Dealing with a political death

Why was it now, when Bush had just died, that we all decided to voice our opinions about the man’s politics?

Hillside, do the right thing

Hillside Market recently transitioned from plastic bags to paper ones. It was probably a stupid decision.

Irony fails

It’s much easier to hide behind a shell of reflexive irony than to actually confront the often insurmountable problems we encounter growing up.

You’re not really busy

I try to think about what happens on the other side of the screen when someone in my organization receives a mass email entreating them to help out.

Generation smartphone

Imagine yourself in a small class, fewer than 10 students. You arrive several minutes early, and the professor, along with a few students, is already there.

Why the gun proposal needs a public forum

Following the gun proposal by DPS, the Minority Students Advisory Board (MSAB) asked the administration for a public forum.

Get off campus!

Like a lot of people reading this, I came to UR with the impression that I was somehow going to a “good school” in a “bad location.”

Are books dying?

Though it is cheaper to buy novels online than at a store, and even cheaper to buy them from Amazon specifically, I almost always choose the store.

Sports are all about politics

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's candidness is something we should all live by.No player in NBA history has more career points than Kareem.

Please go vote

Vote. College students don’t vote enough, and whether you’re an environmentalist liberal or a deficit hawk conservative, please vote.