
Don’t dismiss Appalachia

I do not propose that their solutions to being ignored, like voting predominantly for Trump and other right-wing populists, are correct responses.

When home becomes a foreign place

Struggling to grapple with this difference, I set out to find mementos  —  pictures, journals, old scratched CDs — searching through the puzzle to see where I could fit in, and find a sense of belonging.

Take “busy” off the pedestal

We are worsening our routines and encouraging others to do the same. We’ve internalized the idea that more work leads to more success.

Statement from Ed Board on a certain SA email

It’s not feasible to expect every single senator to have a hand in writing the email. But it’s reasonable to expect senators to get a heads up, and be able to approve or deny the email. 

Scary movies are scary and also bad

I have better things to freak out over than fictional monsters.

YA novels changed my life more than the Bible

Rather, the most impactful genre of literature in my life thus far has been the YA novel. 

Halloween needs more men in crop tops

Satisfaction in the self can only come from experimentation and being allowed to express your style the way you want to.

The peristeronic postmodernism of Halloween

“Who are you supposed to be?” That’s a bit loaded, isn’t it? Aren’t we all trying to figure out what we’re supposed to be?

Most UR students are already legal adults

In three days, I will be twenty. I’m working on dismantling the fears and expectations I have, but it’s hard.

My house is changing

And sometimes it’s hard, but this change is a chance to make a new world for myself, in a new place that I get to see change while I do, too.