
What does it mean to be intelligent?

Emotional intelligence should be the ideal quantitative category of intelligence, even if one can succeed without it.

The Campus Times’ next step

As I pass the torch to the next publisher, the bar has been raised for the CT’s potential.

Flag display should be for the students, by the students

We appreciate the administration's attempt to avoid student conflict, but the flags should not be taken down. 

Finding an appropriate holiday greeting

If you know someone’s a Christian, say “Merry Christmas.” If you know they’re Jewish, wish them a “Happy Hanukkah.” If you don’t know, use whatever greeting you want.

You’re so loud. I’m trying to pay attention. 

We (and the government) pay a lot of money to ignore someone significantly more experienced than us, in classes we picked, for hours every week. 

Deck the halls with Matzo Ball

Such a small gift showed that my friend respected how I celebrated and practiced my Judaism.

The truth has a liberal bias

The role of journalism is not to act as a megaphone for public figures.

A Hong Konger’s message to CSSA

It is much easier to cheer on the liberation of a city when it is not burning around you.

Tunnel censorship spells dark days for UR community

The inability of the administration and student government to condemn censorship is deeply regrettable.

The painted tunnel provides a primer in dialogue

The painted tunnel has become a platform for sociopolitical messaging. And it shows us how — and how not — to engage in a dialogue.