
TikTok is more than just white girls dancing to ‘Cannibal’

As I see it, TikTok is changing the game. It is a democratic platform where anyone can participate in a conversation about anything.

Stop settling for ‘relatability’ in art and seek out the weird

It seems that all we want is more of the same. We will happily forgo the grander artistic horizons available to us for the sake of convenience.

Moderacy does not permit complacency

Moderates are not culpable for the actions of their extremist peers, but they are the only bridge between extremists and the rest of the world.

The problem with political consistency

Unless a candidate’s voter base is static, they cannot be lauded as “consistent” in the Sanders fashion.

Cheers and jeers: Valentine’s Day edition

Cheers to Valentine’s Day candy going on sale after February 14. Jeers to the jacked up candy prices for the month preceding the holiday.

The military draft is overtly problematic

The draft has rarely worked out positively in America.

CT SodaStream attacks fall flat

It sounded like college students looking for something to complain about and then turning it into argument-less journalism, and I know CT can do better.

My birthday, my brother, and me

Ultimately, I think both of us are afraid of getting older. Our birthdays are a time for bittersweet reflection.

Humor doesn’t exist in a bubble

We need to be sure we bring this attitude into other conversations as well.

Super Bowl halftime show is dangerously sensual

Let’s transform the halftime performance to entertainment that doesn’t promote sex, tight clothing, and pornography.