
UR needs to do better on reporting COVID-19 cases

We should not have to read between the lines to know how safe our University is.

Computer science education needs a reboot

What we need is the best of both worlds: a university CS curriculum that incorporates the tactics of coding boot camps.

Laundry room etiquette during COVID-19

It’s already a sin to take someone’s wet clothes out of the washer (and not put them in a dryer), but it’s even worse to do that when we’re in a pandemic.

Consider a social media detox. Seriously.

It’s a wonderful way to stay in touch with people, but sometimes I wonder if we’re losing touch with ourselves in the process.

What does it really mean to pray?

Back then, I thought prayer was talking to God. Now, I think it’s listening to myself. 

Mermaid on fire

I’ve had pneumonia five times. I’ve had bronchitis more than a dozen times and typically for months on end. Last year I was sick for the entire time between August and January. My bronchitis was resistant to antibiotics, inhalers, and most treatments. It was all because, somewhere along the years, I’d started breathing in smoke instead of air.

YoUR vote matters

This story will stay on our front page until Nov. 3, because the Campus Times believes voting is that important. Yes, you need to protest and show up for causes you care about, but it means nothing without the follow-through. Participate in the democratic systems that facilitate change.

I know you can talk, now show me you can listen

You don’t change minds without listening to what they’re saying in the first place.

The consequences of tyranny

Any government is capable of inflicting terror. 

What the Woodward tapes reveal about Trump’s persona

The presidency has become a show that we pay with our votes to see.