
Everyone needs a break right now

We 100% support the decision to cancel fall break, but there has to be something to replace it.

URMC’s Anti-Racism Action Plan ignores health care’s discriminatory history

URMC has missed one of their best opportunities to come to terms with how they might be perpetuating medical racism.

Conquering anxiety takes practice

Sometimes I’m stronger than my anxiety, other times my anxiety overpowers me. But I keep trying, and I keep improving.

Restorative justice isn’t always just

The criminal justice system doesn’t only exist to punish the accused. It offers victims an opportunity to exorcise our rage through a more objective, institutional campaign of state-sponsored violence.

How not to have class discussions

There’s a difference between engaging with the material and engaging with your own ego.

Online courses don’t have to be a pain

In a hybrid world, technological aptitude is an important aspect of teaching, and we need Zoom courses to work in order to get our money’s worth.

COVID-19 steals the spotlight from performance ensembles

We’re jigsaw pieces of the same ensemble that don’t quite fit as well as they used to. Cues and chord changes are lost in translation, and sometimes I just feel lost in general. 

The marginalizing power of Unemployment

I can take care of myself well enough. I’ve always believed that. But so often the people who are supposed to help me take care of me haven’t done so.

Absentee voting matters

If you’re eligible, you can participate in something larger than yourself.

A tale of two cities

Rochester champions people who fought for the less fortunate, and perhaps that makes it more able to accept that things need to change, rather than simply looking the other way.