
Muskaan’s Musings: No body is perfect

Most people think this best version of themselves is that social construct in their brains. I need you to understand that this isn’t the case.

Dear men on dating apps

I’m simply pointing out that if you are ashamed, you’re ashamed for good reason.
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I opt out of romance to protect myself from fat-shaming and bigotry

Truthfully, whether fat people are insecure or not, whether we love or hate our bodies, makes little difference to how others treat us.

The Dr. Chatbot challenge rewards students for their complacency

We’re lucky the University chose positive reinforcement, because, frankly, we don’t deserve it.

My purple phase

Dye fades, but you persist. 

Kroger’s vaccine reward scheme is an exercise in futility

I doubt that $100 will be sufficient persuasion for those afraid of the government putting tracking chips inside each vial.

Prioritizing donors jeopardizes the vaccine rollout

Where else are administrators pulling strings to serve the business side of UR while talking a big game about fairness?

Muskaan’s Musings: Will coming back to Rochester be worth it?

I don’t know If I’ll get to enjoy even a fraction of the aspects of college life I took for granted before COVID-19.

Take a closer look at Wilson Commons’ war memorials

If we’re callous, careless, or ignorant in our memorialization of those who gave their lives for this country, can we really say that we’ve honored them?

An open letter to openers, closers, and people with keys

Rerouting around these locked doors over the past few weeks has me thinking about the way physically disabled students go about their days.