
The Marriage Pact and modern loneliness: It’s too good to be true

What’s important to keep in mind though, is that lonely people are easy to prey on.

Literally, defund UHS

It’s time that we carefully re-evaluate UHS’s usefulness, necessity, and contributions to the student body.

We can’t cover campus without the community

You, the University community, are the backbone of this paper.

Where are all the good cops?

You simply cannot be a good cop if you ally with (or even stay silent about) the ones who kill, maim, and traumatize.

$15/hour isn’t a living wage, no matter what they tell you

A $15/hour minimum wage means barely scraping by each month — if at all.

Carrie Fisher’s tragedy and my tentative hope for a better future

Like so many women who choose to go our own way, she fell in love with a man who had only contempt for her.

A response to Dr. Chatbot and student complacency

If we can present it as a fun opportunity rather than one more duty in an already exhausting time, then by all means we should.

Cheers and jeers: Spring reopening

Cheers to not needing to enter a pause. Yet.

UR needs to lighten up its winter campus

We need more light, so why not get creative with it?

Apocalyptic eating in the Rochester City School District

School breakfasts and lunches have always looked like they were dug out of somebody’s bomb shelter, but this is a new low.