
Still no justice for Daniel Prude

Chauvin’s conviction doesn’t prove that the system is just or fixed.

Next year, SA has more opportunities than ever before to make change

UR is in a unique state of unrest, where issues that would normally take years of effort and lobbying and endless committee-forming have the opportunity to be fast-tracked.

Corporations need to do more to protest Georgia’s new voting law

Corporations have political clout, and it’s about time they used it for good.

Muskaan’s Musings: A hug on a plate

What’s the quickest, fastest, and most effective way to cure homesickness?

The University’s tone deaf response to burnout

These efforts aren’t just unhelpful, but actively mocking the issues students are facing.

The problem with American news

News stations’ tendency to focus on the stories that get the most viewers makes a story more likely to be inaccurately reported and sensationalized.

My plea to you: Get vaccinated

People who are eligible to get the vaccine have a moral obligation to do so. 

Muskaan’s Musings: UR’s housing Hunger Games need an update

The housing lottery is an arduous, emotionally taxing, and needlessly stressful system.

The University’s nonsensical approach to COVID-19 public health policy

Clearly, the school felt that giving people friendship bracelets would satiate their craving for frat parties. But what did it actually accomplish?

Your River Campus bathroom handbook

As a frequent user of bathrooms, it is my sole duty and honor to make you aware of all the best places to do all the best things.