
A Manifesto for ALL Sexual Assault Survivors

We declare that ALL sexual assault survivors ARE survivors, but NOT BROKEN or DAMAGED individuals. They are HUMANS, individuals who…

It’s time to keep our heads down (and masks on)

Let’s focus on what we can change, and channel our efforts into pushing for improvements that are possible.

An open letter to Workaholics Anonymous

The more you keep going, the less stopping seems to be an option. Thus, I keep going, hypocritically, and I’m sure many of you do, too.

The warped transformation of cancel culture

Since then, that idea has grown claws, tentacles, and possibly a tail, and has made navigating social media somewhat of a menace.

Pass it along: URSecretSafe might be UR’s latest IG craze

Does it bring anything new to the table, or are we just riding the high of the prospect of yet more controversy?

Where’d all the time go?

Our lives are just about to begin, but in order for that to happen, our days of semi-reckless freedom must end.

The excitement and apprehension of in-person instruction

I don’t think I’m the only one on a roller coaster of emotions over the return to school, but overall, I’m smiling.

Muskaan’s Musings: Getting back in the game

I dislike syllabus week as much as the next student, but I’d rather have that than five weekend deadlines sitting on my Blackboard.

Campus Culture is O(UR)S To Change

Do something entirely new, even if you hate it. That transition back to a lively, spirited campus is in your hands.

Be “ever better” than yourself, not others

Being ever better doesn’t mean striving to do everything, all the time, better than everyone else around you.