
Blindspots: How the media spun a protest into an attack

The University has a clear interest in tamping down protests related to its academic involvement with Israel, appeasing pro-Israel donors and administrators.

From the editor: On the events of last week, and a farewell

The editorial choice to include the full statements on the posters was not a decision made lightly.

When it happens to you: A personal reflection from a “wantee”

My name is Joy Getnick and I'm the Executive Director of Hillel at the University of Rochester.  You might recognize my name because I am one of the people featured on the ‘wanted’ posters.

The DeLorme Report: These ‘wanted’ posters are antisemitic. Period

Labeling the posters with “wanted” provides a uniquely dangerous situation, in which actors are inciting violence against administrators and Jews. 

Transphobes have no idea what they’re talking about

The transphobes of this country have done an incredible job of turning the public against trans athletes.

English made my life easier as a study abroad student. That’s not fair.

When I arrived at DTU, I felt like I was playing study abroad on easy mode.

What the hell just happened?

Nov. 5 was a sunny, pleasant day. And then the election happened. 

The weight of the world

Lately, I’ve really been struggling to reckon with the way things are, but recently, it’s been weighing on me harder than usual.

Art’s role in fostering conversations

We can appreciate art as a catalyst for dialogue and a medium for meaningful expression in an ever-evolving cultural landscape. 

The DeLorme Report: Trump’s victory is hopeful, yet frightening

While President-elect Trump's policies will right America's economic and world standing, I become fearful of what our social fabric will become over the next four years.