
We need to see the other side of the table

Education happens through conversation. I believe that when it comes to antisemitism and anti-Israel language on campus, it’s a discussion that needs to be had, not a lecture.

Introversion, as an extrovert

It’s been jarring when I feel myself slipping into a more introverted mindset — where did the me who wanted to be everywhere for everyone go?

In Memoriam: Miguel Rodriguez

After the news of former Sports Editor Miguel Rodriguez’s passing, the Campus Times received multiple submissions from his former co-editors in his memory.

Letter to the Editor: Antisemitism ruins Medallion talk

These ideas about Jews are not new; rather, they have been repackaged for a new purpose. Unfortunately, a new generation has fallen prey to the age-old lies about the Jewish people.

Don’t you dare tell me what antisemitism is

When I tell you that many people on this campus slip from criticizing Israel to employing language that personally offends me because of my ethnic and religious background, I expect you to believe it.

Please don’t say ‘time management’ to me

I’m sick of people telling me “you need to manage your time better.” Procrastination is strategic.

Learning to love love

Ah, Valentine’s Day — where the sickeningly sweet smell of chocolate fills the air, and it seems like you can’t even turn a corner without seeing some egregious display of love.

Raised for success: the toxicity of being the best, all the time

Maybe we focus more on the few failures because they're outliers. Or maybe people want to see them fail because they can’t fathom their success.

Call me by my name

I hate that my name has to become a thing the first time I meet someone.

The controversy over Lunar New Year

You wouldn’t ask non-religious Americans to skip Christmas morning to stare at research papers for a couple hours, so why are you expecting the same from students who simply don’t celebrate the same holidays as you?