Hard work can’t beat talent… or can it?
Talent is not what most people think it is. The good news is that most of the people we think are talented are actually just really well-disciplined, and we can learn to do the same.
How to survive Thanksgiving with your family
At family gatherings, chaos is not a question of if but when. So how can you survive it?
To all the overachievers out there
If you’re wasting the most amazing years of your life stressing about the future and always working, you’re ruining yourself.
speaking out
Speaking up
I didn’t want to cause more drama in an already drama-filled season. I thought I could get through it.
You should be worried about local election denialism
If this week’s midterm elections solidified anything, it’s the fact that Republican election denialism is now just another strategic tool that’s here to stay.
We’re all just hamsters on the wheel of academic validation
Never mind. All the grades were just posted to Blackboard and there is not a single A in sight.
You can’t go back in the closet
Throughout show-Heartstopper’s skyrocketing popularity, Connor evaded questions about his sexuality. So, how did we end up here?
Enough is enough — when to call quits
It seems ludicrous to think that any decision made in your freshman year of high school can have any bearing on your future, let alone dictate the rest of your life, but the reality is that it’s a slippery slope.
You should take journalism classes this spring
There’s a perfect storm of journalism courses being offered this spring, and you should try and take one (or a couple) of them.
I don’t feel beautiful
I love the idea of body positivity. However, it’s almost impossible to love every part of your body all the time.