
Looking beyond the scope of campus: what we should do with our eclipse glasses

Receiving glasses for free was a privilege that not everyone in the path of totality had.

Before criticizing performative activism, ask what you are doing to help

What’s come about from the widespread connectivity of the online world is a form of activism that centers around reshares and reposts.

The fear of rejection: an epidemic

Each rejection felt like a stab of “you’re not good enough,” and because of this fear, I missed out on so many opportunities to grow.

Notes by Nadia: Can money buy happiness?

People can enjoy their hobbies without worrying about finances. Because let’s be honest, not everyone loves their job.

D&C staff deserve fair contract now!

Simply put, the Campus Times stands in complete solidarity with the striking reporters at the D&C.

The AI Divide: Creating a New Class System in Education

The conversation around AI in education isn't just about technology; it's about fairness and opportunity.

Blindspots: Unconditional aid is turning Israel into a rogue state

This unconditional aid has empowered a small regional power to drift further and further from international accountability. 

Misogyny and bigotry plague the heavy music scene

Bands fronted by people of color, queer folk, and feminine-presenting people have always existed, but because their white, cisgender male counterparts overshadow them, they struggle to find and build a following and are often belittled for their musical skill.

Live action remakes: If it ain’t broke, do it again but worse

For the most part, these movies are just rehashes — visually bland and feebly attempting to offset their lack of originality with celebrity cameos and nostalgia bait.

Notes by Nadia: The importance of being a good listener

I hope that more people can value the act of listening attentively and positively responding to conversations.