Acta, non verba
You bring the University value and add the dollar signs to the piece of paper they sell to thousands of families every year. Without you, this school is worthless.
The lost opportunities for military dependents at UR
I am a military dependent: a child of an active duty or retired military member. If that’s not identity, then I don’t know what is.
Rochester is not a dying city
A city cannot be dying if there are so many people who are pumping it with life.
job hunt
Notes by Nadia: The struggles of finding a job
To all my fellow jobless students out there, I wish you the best of luck in your job hunts.
Notes by Nadia: The pressures of being a growing woman
No matter what you do with your life — and this goes for anyone — it should be what you choose to do.
late blooming
Proceed with caution when it comes to relationships
To initiate an ideal relationship, I should know myself before I meet my partner.
Never been kissed?
While desiring romantic love is perfectly human, life is made of much more.
The on-campus Starbucks is like a bad relationship
From now on, I refuse to commit out of complacency.
ACJC should delay SA’s presidential election
If SA wants to hold a fair election, voting for SA President and Vice President should be postponed for another week.