Withstanding the flames
Even in the midst of all this madness, it’s important to remember that the world is still getting better every day.
Mental Health
Notes by Nadia: How to prioritize your mental health
As a person who struggles with anxiety and depression, I’m always trying to find ways to prioritize my mental health.
Ed Observers
On the burdens of student leadership
Student leadership is difficult. We should be aware of this before we decide to run. We need to take our jobs seriously.
critical dissection
Note for Nadia: I love being socialized
I welcome you to form your own as you follow along through some choice excerpts of Pentolino’s “I love being a woman” with me.
Losing a love that was never yours
You kept me in this precarious limbo between platonic friendship and an unreciprocated crush for your own entertainment.
age of technology
Technology, humanity, and the death of death
I have long felt that the most human phrase of all time is a simple and short one: “I was here.”
self care
On “wasting time”
There is no such thing as “wasting time” when it benefits you in the long run.
Notes by Nadia: Why are we so eager to grow up?
I don’t understand why, in America, we're all in a rush to grow up.
be better
Missing person case highlights University’s failings
While I’m disappointed in the University’s lack of response to Professor Rantakari’s disappearance, I can’t say I’m surprised.
Notes by Nadia: I love being a woman
I feel powerful being a woman. The world may be against us, but as long as we have each other, we will always come out victorious.