
Science and Faith

here is no denying the fact that modern science has shaped our world in profound ways. Because of science, we…

Loving What You Do

I can just see myself now, in some bar sitting next to the Piano Man, rambling on about how I…

Sister Campuses Must Warm Relations

Everyday of the week, big white busses pull up in front of the ITS. Doors open and bus drivers welcome…

Weigh All Ideas For Bookstore Spot

With the campus bookstore moving off to its new College Town location, the school administration is left with a large…

Another AIDS Anniversary: Ted Brown’s take on the legacy of PEPFAR

As we pause this week to mark the twenty-sixth recognition of World AIDS Day, it would also be appropriate to…

Print prevails: In defense of the campus newspaper

It’s clear that print media of all forms is struggling and I would hate to see any of it go…

Iranian nuclear deal receives mixed sentiments – Part 2

In our personal lives, and in most of the business world, deals are about trust and amiability. Pundits and politicians…

Iranian nuclear deal receives mixed sentiments – Part 1

Last month, on Nov. 24, The P5+1 Nations (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, including The…

Don’t judge a campus based on a single article

Rachel Barnhart has taken the Campus Times article “College Town still slated for 2014 amid student angst” and used it…

Community college is a better option

To all of you trust fund students, whose parents saved money from when you were young so that they could…