
Work toward a better Rochester

The City of Rochester is not perfect. There’s a high crime rate, failed industry, face-biting winters, and a floundering child-education…

College: Keep it in perspective

“College is the best four years of your life.” This is a phrase that most of us have grown up…

Continue the fight against eating disorders beyond Feb. 28

24 million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder (ED). 95% of those people are between the…

Putin aims to lift reputation with Olympics

[caption id="attachment_97392" align="alignleft" width="300"] Liz Beson, Illustrator[/caption] Sochi. A city which you’ve probably never heard of until only a few…

Warily optimistic of on-campus dining

The University of Rochester has offered me a wonderful place for education and living. I enjoy my classes and continue…

The great debate: Creationism versus Evolution

On Feb. 4, Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and Ken Ham (founder and president of the Answers in Genesis Museum)…

United against unions

If you have been following the hit political drama “House of Cards” on Netflix, then you have an idea, however…

Tolerance and faith

In light of the recent reports of religious solicitation of students on campus, it’s important to have conversations about religion…

Panels bring much needed discourse

Last week, the Affordable Care Act panel, “This Won’t Hurt a Bit: ObamaCare and Your Future,” was held in the…

Why Spotify

If you have ever met me personally, chances are I’ve probably popped the question: “What music are you into?” Regardless…