
Legalize it, once and for all.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is one of the most widely used drugs in America. Its legalization movement has spread…

Bundy Ranch not Ruby Ridge

Rancher Cliven Bundy’s decades-long fight with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been garnering a lot of attention…

Information overload

Disclaimer: I am not a Luddite, per se. I use technology like everyone else, and to a great extent, I…

Take the summer to improve

With so much pressure to take classes to fulfill major requirements, get off the wait list for whatever class that…

Learn the lessons of Columbine

Everyone  knew that seniors  Eric Harris  and Dylan  Klebold  of Columbine  High School  in Jefferson County, Colorado were social  outcasts, …

Ensure all sophomores receive on-campus housing

UR guarantees all rising sophomores on-campus housing, at least in theory. However, if there is no actual housing options available…

You can’t rebuild Rochester with fairness

What do University of Rochester President Joel Seligman, RIT President Bill Destler, Wegmans CEO Danny Wegman, and Mayor Lovely Warren…

What’s right with UR

Last week, I discussed various problems that should be fixed at UR. Now I’d like to discuss the best parts…

Let it snow…

The snow is gone now, and everyone is rejoicing, but I actually like the snow and don’t mind the cold…

Gen Y does it different

Members of the millennial generation (or Generation Y), born between 1982 and 2001, have grown up praised for every little…