
Respect: always on the cutting edge

Here at the Campus Times, we value technology. Computers have empowered the newspaper, bestowing us with more possibilities for communication…

Candy, costumes, and the origin of Halloween

When we were young, Halloween was all about getting the coolest costume and begging for candy from all of your…

Friendship across cultures

When I first entered the River Campus of UR, I was overwhelmed by everything around me: be it the size…

Step one for Dean Burdick: financial aid counselors

This Meliora Weekend, students could be found across campus with cardboard signs and shirts featuring mysterious numbers next to a…

The hunger games: memoir of a pizza guy

The thrill of the open(ish) road. The gentle, lingering smell of mozzarella and sauce. And the sweet, sweet dosh. This…

Let them eat cake

This is the story of the kid I allegedly bullied in elementary school. I remember Robert very well, but I…

Feminism, Republicanism, and you

Republican as a word in our society has a negative connotation - “wingnut” can be used in normal conversation without…

Senioritis: hold the inoculation

Senioritus is a plague that has begun to set in on the Class of 2015. It’s clear by the looks…

Ebola and religon

Over the past week, the Ebola outbreak has become a massive problem for the world. This deadly disease has spread…

The dirty facts about UR bathrooms

Hopping off the Riverview bus, which was late as usual, you find that you only have five minutes until your…