
Harder and harder to breathe

Maybe it’s just the sewage vent across the street that’s been spewing constantly for the past week, but something is…

Net neutrality: neutralizing exploitation without noticeable effects

[caption id="attachment_133122" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Freedom, equality and opportunity—standard ideals of American politics. Ideals as vague as…

Oklahoma’s AP U.S. History bill swaps education for indoctrination

[caption id="attachment_131462" align="alignleft" width="226"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Did you know that many of the Founding Fathers had slaves? And…

Keystone XL: inconsequential, vetoed or not

In the latest national news, the bill to authorize the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline was vetoed by President…

United States should stand its ground on GMOs

Arguably, the most underreported story in the media these days is the ongoing negotiations over the proposed United States-European Union…

War-weary America doesn’t deserve another fight

This past Wednesday, President Obama sent a draft joint resolution to Congress. For the first time in almost 13 years,…

Yak in moderation

Yik Yak, a popular, anonymous social media application that lets users post and vote on “yaks” within a ten mile…

Driving for safety

Since last Thursday, two separate accidents have occurred involving UR shuttle buses—one this past Friday and one this past Monday.…

When it comes to SA, every minute counts

In trying to achieve a greater good, people often overlook the bigger picture and neglect to address crucial issues. Governments…

Vaccines: fact vs. fiction

With the recent outbreak of measles in the United States (121 cases in 17 states), parents who make the choice…